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认识Anders Byriel,认识Kvadrat - the CEO of Kvadrat屋顶秧田

发布时间:2018-05-24 07:26:17 来源:网络浏览:

认识Anders Byriel,认识Kvadrat | the CEO of Kvadrat KvadratPeopleHow much do you know2,485 milesKvadrat每一年销售面料的总长度。The total length of Kvadrat fabric sold every year.$573 /per yard品牌最昂贵的纺织品Argo的零售价格,这是1款和Raf Simons合作设计的安哥拉山羊毛产品。The retail price of the brand’s most expensive textile, Argo, a mohair from the Raf Simons collaboration.€€€€20 yearsByriel坚


How much do you know

2,485 miles

Kvadrat每一年销售面料的总长度。The 新疆工服定制厂家
total length of Kvadrat fabric sold every year.

$573 /per yard

品牌最昂贵的纺织品Argo的零售价格,这是1款和Raf Simons合作设计的安哥拉山羊毛产品。The retail price of the brand’s most expensive textile, Argo, a mohair from the Raf Simons collaboration.


20 years

Byriel坚持每周5晚上为家庭提供自制披萨饼的时间。The amount of time Byriel has upheld a family tradition of preparing homemade pizza on Friday nights.


必须被剪掉羊毛的羊只数量,以满足英国约克郡制造厂每一年生产的原料需求(该厂为Kvadrat持有股分的制造厂之1)。The number of sheep sheare圣地亚工作服
d per year to supply just one of the company’s production facilities, in Yorkshire, England.


Kvadrat每一年完成的建筑项目数量,目包括奥斯陆歌剧院和微软阿姆斯特丹办公室。The number Kvadrat completes annually. Past projects include the Oslo Oper工作服批发凯利
a House and Microsoft’s Amsterdam office.

18⑵5 miles

作为马拉松选手,Byriel每周跑步的距离。The distance Byriel, a regular marathoner,

runs every week.


Kvadrat首款纺织产品Hallingdal最畅销色彩的代码。The number that identifies the best-selling color of Kvadrat’s f海南定做工服厂家
irst-ever textile, Hallingdal.


200 days

Byriel每一年在外旅行的时间,大多是为了工作。The amount of time Byriel spends traveling each year, mostly for work.


Kvadrat旗下公司数量,包括初创的可延续性企业Really。The companies in Kvadrat’s portfolio, including Really, a sustainability start-up.

Anders Byriel,the CEO酒店餐厅服务员工作服
of Kvadrat



"Our textiles deliver aesthetics and performance, because they have to look good even 10 years down the line."

今年4月,在1年1度的米兰Salone del Mobile家具展上,仿佛1切都覆盖了Kvadrat的面料。在这个展现所有重要创新设计的展会上,这家丹麦纺织品制造商的面料无处不在,整座城市就像是1个巨大的Kvadrat展厅。


It's a warm April day during the annual Salone del Mobile furniture fair in Milan, and everything seems to be covered in Kvadrat. So ubiquitous are the Danish textile manufacturer’s fabrics throughout this expo of all things new and noteworthy in the design world that the city itself feels like one big Kvadrat showroom.

比如在Moroso,展品中包括1张David Adjaye设计的长椅,外面包裹着Kvadrat的黑色天鹅绒面料;再比如,Cassina展出的1张Konstantin Grcic沙发的外套采取Kvadrat的1款薄荷色混纺面料,此等例子不胜枚举。


Be it at Moroso, which features a David Adjaye€€designed settee sheathed in one of the brand’s black velours, or at Cassina, where a Konstantin Grcic sofa is clad in a minty Kvadrat melange, among many other pieces.

Kvadrat的52岁首席履行官Anders Byriel表示:“在这个领域,我们的业务拓展已到达极限。”事实上,他是在用典型的北欧式方式委宛表达,作为世界顶尖设计品牌的高端纺织品供应商,公司在欧洲市场的业务已渗透极深,许多主要的建筑公司,如Renzo Piano,Bjarke Ingels和Frank Gehry都是Kradrat的忠实客户。


“We are reaching the end of the possibility to grow this side of the business,” says CEO Anders Byriel, 52. This turns out to be a typically Scandinavian, modest way of admitting that the company has essentially saturated the European market as the pre-eminent supplier of high-end textiles to the world’s foremost design brands. Many major architecture firms, like those of Renzo Piano, Bjarke Ingels and Frank Gehry, are also loyal clients.



Headquartered in the small port town of Ebeltoft, on the east coast of Denmark’s Jutland peninsula, Kvadrat was co-founded by Byriel’s father in 1968. Since becoming CEO in 1998, at the age of 33, the younger Byriel has expanded the company from a $20 million to a $200 million business. Under his stewardship it has evolved from a very solid but rather one-track Scandinavian enterprise into an inter-national powerhouse whose reach goes far beyond fabric.

Kvadrat资助了超过30个当代艺术家展览,例如Olafur Eliasson,Pipilotti Rist和Thomas Demand的个展。该品牌最近还宣布与纽约新博物馆缔结为期3年的合作协议,帮助新兴艺术家完成新创作。


Kvadrat has supported more than 30 shows by contemporary artists such as Olafur Eliasson, Pipilotti Rist and Thomas Demand. The brand also recently announced a three-year partnership with the New Museum in New York to help emerging artists realize new work.

虽然软装面料通常不会让人联想到文化影响力或酷炫潮流,但Byriel想法让Kvadrat与二者融会,这也要归功于与现今最著名创意人材的合作,其中包括比利时时装设计师Raf Simons,今年3月他推出了为Kvadrat设计的第4个系列。


And while upholstery isn’t typically synonymous with cultural clout or cool factor, Byriel has managed to imbue Kvadrat with both, thanks in part to collaborations with some of today’s most prominent creative talents, including the Belgian fashion designer Raf Simons, who debuted his fourth collection fo男士不粘毛工作服大挂
r the brand in March.



Next on Byriel’s checklist is broadening Kvadrat’s industrial appeal. A contract with Jaguar Land Rover, supplying an interior textile option for its new Range Rover Velar model, and the addition of another client, the mass-market Japanese retailer Muji, will inevitably open the door to more consumer-facing products.

另外,公司也有很多新动向:Kvadrat新近翻新的总部 (所有办公室均经过伦敦SevilPeach工作室的完全改造) 将于6月份竣工。翻新后的空间旨在鼓励员工创造力、加强员工之间的对话及协作,这也将是展现公司面料和理念的范本。


And there are major developments closer to home: Kvadrat’s newly refurbished HQ€€a complete over-haul of its existing offices by the London-based studio SevilPeach€€will be finished in June. Reconfigured to encourage creativity, conversation and collaboration among employees, the space will be a showcase of the company’s fabrics and philosophies.



As Kvadrat has become an integralpart of the design and architecture sectors, an influential collaborator in the arts and an enduring success story, Byriel could be referring to both the product and his company when he says: "It has to be beautiful, and it has to work.”

original story from Wall Street Journal, June / July 2017


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